Making a difference in our corner of the world, one grant at a time.

Helping the Highlands Plateau thrive by supporting its nonprofits.

Your organization is ready to change lives in our community, yet to be successful, funding help is needed.

Your unique contribution to the Highlands Plateau deserves impactful support.

Get the financial support your organization needs to make our beautiful mountain plateau an uplifting community for all.

Partnered with the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, CWO directs our funds to much-needed local nonprofit organizations that bring healthcare, literacy, food-support, safety-net services, childcare and so much more to the Highlands-Cashiers area.

We take our grants process seriously.

Since 2006, CWO has invested over $2.8 million in Highlands-Cashiers not-for-profits.

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towards Health & Human Services in 2023

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towards Educational Programs in 2023

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towards Civic & Cultural Vitality in 2023

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towards other nonprofit services in 2024

Our grant application process is straightforward and simple.

Fill out the Grant Application Form

After submission, our team will review your application to ensure its eligibility and completeness.

Coordinate an on-site visit

Our members will schedule an on-site visit to get to know your organization, and to further understand its imminent needs and effective outreach within the local community.

CWO Grants are awarded once each year

Grant recipients are announced in September.

Our members are dedicated to investing in local lives and the vibrant future of Highlands-Cashiers.

Local community.
Generational impact.

Cullasaja Women’s Outreach was founded in 2006 by a handful of women in the Cullasaja Club community who wanted to bring out the best in each other—through friendship, shared insights, and community outreach.

Our shared goal is to make a positive difference in the surrounding mountain community of the Highlands-Cashiers area. We recognize that together we can make a more meaningful contribution toward the betterment of our community than any individual member could do alone. We connect members within our community with the opportunity to donate and give back to make the Highlands Plateau a better place for all.

Every dollar raised by members of our community is used for the grants awarded to local nonprofit organizations.